Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sharing Life Telepathically

You know it takes a great deal of practice to play any sport. You may find when you first attempt to learn to play a game, such as baseball, you may not feel like you're very good at it. But the more you try and work at it, you come to find, "Hey I'm not doing too bad"! In fact you may find that as you hone your skills, your confidence builds and then they both begin to move in tandem. Skills and Confidence. Confidence and Skills. Which is first or do they intermingle and feed each other?

And so it's true for so many things in life. You try something the first time and you like it, but in the midst of it, it becomes a struggle. It's not quite as easy as you thought it would be. Some days you seriously consider quitting, you don't feel that your heart's in it. But something happens. You find you can't just quit. You are really enjoying your life more than you have in a long time. Although complicated and a little more emotions involved than you've had to deal with in a while, the advantages are a feeling of such love, longing, obsession, sexual desire, and such peace and fulfillment in the quiet moments after you've been together in the most intimate way possible. It's an incomparable feeling of Good! But, oh to stay in that moment and find strength from it, instead of having to stuff it away in a back pocket, where no one can see it. No one can touch it.

It creeps out in the evening or night. Maybe it even creeps out during the day. A song reminds you of it. Something happens in your day - funny, trying, just special - and you want to grab that moment, that soul - to share it with them, but they're not there. They aren't even close in proximity. They may be as far away as anyone could be at that time. But, if you let go of the physical distance - and stop to reach inside - just for a moment, in the quiet - send that thought, that idea, that moment in your thoughts to that person - my belief is they will catch it - more times than not.

"I'm thinking of you." Close your eyes. Think it. Visualize it. That person standing in front of you - at that second - and you are standing face to face. Tell them in that moment as you would as if they were really there - picture it in your mind's eye - that special thing; the funny story; the struggle of someone impeding your otherwise "okay" day. Share with them through the span of time and space - and that need that you have - that desire to relay a thought - and that touch that you feel in return is nothing but the sharing of that person's emotion - it will come back to you as you leave yourself open to receive it- that laughter of sharing a great story: that hug - or encouragement - that response of "yeah, that idiot is an asshole" - or just listening ear that you are asking for as you vent about the absurdity that someone else has entered into your day: and finally that emotional sense of just "hello, I'm thinking of you, missing you, hope your day is great, and can't wait to see your smiling face."

It's all in perception, belief and caring for yourself and that other soul!

Forever you are mine - spanning time and place - and you can find that the struggle of that easy feeling that you've fallen into that somehow has begun to cause so many mixed emotions, can be remedied by putting this "telepathic" you may call it - means of sharing, getting things to that person - without picking up the phone, sending an
e-mail or IM! Just stop! Close your eyes, and you're there! I'm there! We are one!

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